Monday, December 5, 2011

Promises to My Dog

Shiela & Ogie with their baby SAM

I love cats and dogs. I can’t remember how many felines and mutts I used to pet since my childhood. However, one special dog stand out above the rest. He was very special because he was different. He was born with only three legs. For that reason and because my father considered it as a runt, he threw the puppy in the sewerage, alive. My mother couldn’t take the puppy crying. As soon as my father was away, my mother rescued the poor fellow, gave it a bath, fed it and gave it to her friend. Despite the puppy’s condition, the new owner loved the dog, made him felt special and he grew up happy and fulfilled. I believe that when we share our life, time and love to others, we also get the same in return.

Below would be your dog’s expectations from you:

1.       My life lasts only up to 15 years human age. Before you buy me, remember that separation from you will make me miss you and is so painful on my part.

2.      Please don’t be short-tempered, irritable or impatient with me. Give me time to know what you want from me.

3.      Respect is earned and not given as some kind of inalienable right. Place your faith in me and I will always trust you back.

4.      Please don’t be angry with me for too long. Don’t lock me up when you punish me. I am incapable of understanding why you locked me up. The only thing I will know is that I’ve been rejected by you. I only have you, while you have your friends, work and other entertainment.

5.      Take time to talk to me. I may not understand your words, but I can clearly understand your tone. Look at my tail and you will know.

6.      I will never forget however you treat me. That treatment may be unjust or bad, I will not let it spoil our special bond together.

7.      Never hit me for I can never hit back. I can bite and scratch but I will never have the need to do that.

8.     Please be considerate of how I feel before you tell me that I am lazy, uncooperative, or stubborn. Something could be wrong with me or perhaps I am not eating the right food, or been out in the sun for too long, or maybe my heart is already getting old and weak.

9.      Don’t leave me when I grow old. Take care of me. You too will grow old and you will also want to be taken cared of and loved.

10.  Be with me on difficult journeys. Everything is easier for me when you are there. Please don’t forget that whatever you do, I will always love you.

Of all the wonderful treasures in this world, there will be nothing more precious to anyone than giving them a piece of your heart. Every time you share the goodness of your heart, you always end up winning because LIFE IS AN ECHO. It bounces back to you when you have given.

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